
Words Of Wisdom

Okay, so when I saw this quote on weheartit I needed to "heart" it. And I am
honestly going to print this out and hang it on my wall because this, my lovely
people, this is wisdom. I don't believe in God, or something, but I do believe
in love and happiness; and this is the perfect guide to happiness. Because
it is true what Buddhas say: if you stop wanting things and stop thinking
about yourself then you never will be happy. And I have respect for that.
Because we think in "if, if, if"; "Oh, IF I have a huge house, I am happy."
"IF I have a boyfriend, I am happy." And if we keep wanting things we
won't be happy. But of course; everybody wants something in a while.
But if you remove the 'if sentences' (as I will call them for now), think
about others and stop wanting so much; you really will be happy.
I have respect for all the Buddhas who gave up everything to believe.
I don't think I could do that, ever. But I am going to hold on to my 'rule':
stop 'if-ing' (?), thing about others and stop wanting things I don't need 
(or at least try, I mean: clothes, duh.)
So I hope there "Words Of Wisdom" inspired you, or enjoyed you, or let
you think about it or whatever.

Oh, little thing: as I said in the previous post I lost my camera charger in England
so I can't take pictures now because my camera died. So I need to be creative, I guess.

Have a lovely week!
Love & Inspire,


  1. Haha het is superleuk om je posts te lezen. Je schrijft namelijk goed en leuk Engels!! Het plaatje van Buddha inspireerde mij ook, ik heb hem nog nooit gezien maar het is helemaal waar. Ik geloof ook niet in God maar (inderdaad) wel in geluk, blijdschap, liefde... :) Het is moeilijk 'to stop if-ing' maar hopelijk gaat het je lukken!!

    1. Heel erg bedankt! I'm trying, haha. Dankjewel!
      Ik ben een soort van ietsiepietsie verslaafd aan je blog, moet ik eerlijk toegeven, dus het is heel gaaf dat je gereageerd hebt. Goed, okay, ik klink echt als een 'fangirl' nu maar ja: so be it. :)
      Nog een fijn weekend!

  2. wat een superleuk plaatje van Buddha!
    Je schrijft echt op een hele leuke manier!
    xoxo Karin
    doe je al mee aan mijn give away?

    1. Dankjewel, ik vond het ook een heel mooi plaatje. :)
      Dankje, haha, I'm trying.
      Ik ga zeker je blog even 'uitchecken'. :)
      Nog een fijn weekend!

  3. I'm stealing this one for pinterest! =)

    1. That is okay. :)
      It isn't mine though so be my guest. :)
      Have a nice week!
      Lots of love,



Meet The Blog

DOT, 5 years old, created on a summer day of boredom in August, fed with stories and pictures about life, growing up, thoughts and more.


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ISABEL VALENTINE 18, thinker, writer of many things, creator & student. I am a lover of late nights, but a hater of early mornings. I live for traveling and amazing moments. I try to shed positivity on this world with my words, which includes my blog and my videos. "DOT" is my virtual outlet. Welcome